Behold and Abide

Do you think that it is in flesh that you shall reign? Foolishness!
Do you not know that flesh was crucified that you may rise a life-giving Spirit.
Did the prophet not say, “Be transfigured by the renewing of your mind?”
Put off the old, behold all things have been made new.
Put off your natural eyes, behold through your spiritual eyes.
How you ask? Faith. Faith is sight, true sight.
This world is passing away along with its lusts, but Faith abides.

You think you are a man, but He has called you Gods.
He has called you children of the most High.
And this you are, if you abide…

Abide. Abide in the Author and perfecter of your Faith.
Abide in the All-consuming Fire.
Abide in the Transfigured One.
Abide in the Light.

Look into the mirror of Eternity and behold.
Behold your eyes of flaming fire.
Behold the sharp two-edged sword which comes out of your mouth.
Behold the righteous scepter in your right hand.
Behold your robe dipped in blood.
Behold the diadems which adorn your head.
Behold the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Behold the Faithful and True.
Behold and abide…